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A Dreamer can only Dream for so long.......It's time to live your dream.

My name is Ryan Johnson, I am an Animator/ Illustrator at heart and I have creativity coursing through my veins. I do believe that I was born with a sketchbook and pencil in hand, because ever since I can remember I was drawing.

Growing up, afternoon cartoons fueled my imagination to draw and create.
Inspired by a variety of shows, I had decided what I wanted to do when I grew up.Animating was my goal and drawing was my passion.

Entering Bloomfield College with the plans of jumping into the major seemed to be pause by other required classes. On my downtime, time was spent learning programs, reading up on the world, and sketch like crazy.

Talking to people and developing my skills, by the second year I started traveling with school to other countries for art.
The summer of 2008 was spent in Korea learning about video production/ editing, 3D modeling and Korean language & culture. That same summer studied realism and culture in Japan. In spring 2009, I traveled to Spain to see first hand the techniques of the Spanish Renaissance. I went back a year later (2010) to study Islamic art and mosaics. In between these trips, I've been blessed to travel to South America, the pacific islands, and other countries to see their culture's art.

Before the attending the course in Korea, I met a Gospel Artist, Daniel "D.Royul" Cody, which connected with me like a brother.
He attended the course and developed the projects greatly. I found my Right Hand Man. I worked with him on many projects.
He dominated the audio realm as I mastered the visual aspect. My last semester, he created a song for my senior project. And for that I thank him.

At the start of my Freshmen Year, networking around the school, I found a group of visual artist that could only be compared to the Justice League.
Everyone had their own style, story, and strength. Their unspoken desire to be great brought all of us together to produce works and help others with a smile. Without these guys I would not be the artist/ person I am today.

I don't just draw, I create. Planning things, seeing it through from start to finish.I'm all ways challenging myself to do better. So I graduated with a degree in Animation, but I left with the knowledge of the general Art World.





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